Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4 egg whites, mushroom, red pepper, spinach, cilantro, 1/2 grapefruit, blackberries, almonds

Snack: grapes, crackers

Bed of greens, grilled chicken strips, strawberries, avocado, almonds w/ balsamic vinagrette.

Snack: graham crackers & glass of milk. (why do I even go here?)

Protein & water.


5 min. warm-up on treadmill

3 rounds of:

(12) flat bench dumbbell flies
(12) dumbbell bench press (rotate dumbbell 180' when arms are fully extended)
(24) walking lunges w/ 15#dumbbells
(12) pull-ups
(12) supine pull ups
(20) kettlebell overhead swing (20#dumbbell)
(12-15) standing calf raises on 120#
(12) standing overhead tricep press/extension
(25) tummy exercise

ab work on the mat

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