Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oatmeal w/ cinnamon, banana, blueberries, almonds, milk

Salad: Red leaf lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, avocado, carrots, grape tomatoes, salt&pepper.

2 sugar free candies, 2 wholewheat crackers & a handful of frosted mini-wheats.

It's 8:00 -debating on whether or not to fix a bit to eat for dinner...

Workout (my music partner gave me this one!)

4 rounds: (rest 30-60 sec. in between sets)

-30 sec. of box jumps
-60 sec. jump rope
-60 sec. wall balls w/ 'heavy' ball (I used a 6kg...heavy enough) :)
-60 sec. speed skaters

*It's a keeper!*

Then I did 2 rounds of:
-(25) reverse sit ups
-(25) crunches
-(25) elbow to shoulder
-(25) opp. side
-(40) flutter kicks

It was great b/c I didn't have much time for a workout, but feel I got the most 'bang for my buck'.

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