Thursday, April 29, 2010

Calories: 1173. -Kinda guessing. I was at 973 and had 3/4C of soup (Dene' -your fall tortilla soup) I guessed MAX it was 200- which is pretty generous I think.

3 egg whites, onion, salsa, asparagus, raw almonds (10

Snack: Protein shake




3 rounds:

-(20) jump ups (onto step w/ 5 inserts)
-(20) wall balls w/ 13lb. ball
-(15) push ups
-(12) pull-ups
-(12) dumbbell shoulder presses w/ 17#'s
-(24) alternating bicep curls w/ 17#'s
-(12) overhead tricep presses w/ 20# dumbbell
-(12) ea. leg side squat w/ side leg lift w/ 15#bar (it's confusing) (@ 300 cal)

45 min. arc trainer - 517 calories.

I'm not sure that was an 800+ workout though- Wish I had a bodybugg to see how much I burned during the weights!

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