Friday, April 30, 2010

3 eggwhites, onion, red pepper, salsa, asparagus, 1/2 mango, 10 almonds

185 cal, 3g fat, 18 carbs, 5g fiber, 7g sugar, 21g protein

Snack: Protein Shake (1.5-2C spinach, 1 sm banana, 1/4C froz. strawberries, 1/4C blueberries, 1 scoop protein powder.
262 cal, 1 fat, 36 carbs, 6g fiber, 19 sugar, 27g protein

Lunch: 10 tortilla chips and salsa
Dinner: 1.5 fish tacos w/ salsa & toppings and 10 chips, 2 bites of cake. Oh, I wish I had a picture of this!!! It was gorgeous.

677cal, 27g fat, 81 carbs, 8g fiber, 11g sugar, 31g protein
(1/2 the calories came from CHIPS- wow, they are a big no, no!) :)


Spinning Class: +/- 700 calories burned
30 min. on treadmill: 317 calories burned
-15 min. @ 7.0
-5 min. @ 4.3 w/ 5.0 incline
-10 min. @ 7.0 (faster at end)

(not to mention all day cleaning)

Wow. My legs were tired tonight.

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