Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today was an on the run day....

1299 calories, 22g fat, 187 carbs, 32g fiber, 65g sugar, 107g protein

Killer spin class + 4 miles riding my son to and from his school (morn. & afternoon)
est. calories burned: 1037.

It was a pretty active day. I could tell - I was hungry. :) I am excited for the "maintain" point in my life -which is several weeks out if I stay DILIGENT and loose what I'd like. My sister keeps reminding me that "slow and steady wins the race" :) So true- and I know that already. Last year I lost 14 lbs. (really 10 in all actuality) And it took me pretty much the entire year to do it. This go around I am really focusing on refining my self. Counting calories is somewhat tedious. There are no "free" days when counting calories (like I had been having)...I am hyper-aware of the 'damage' I can do in one setting...I'd much rather have a plateful of yummy food than 1 cookie. (which in all reality turns into 5+) With that said- I still work sweets into my day- I just really limit it b/c it's not worth all the calories. I think once I'm in the maintain stage it will be easier b/c I'm not trying to have such a deficit.... We'll see.

BUT -the oatmeal egg pancakes are SAVING me- yum- they are such a treat!!!! :)


Miss Niss said...

we are on the last week of our challenge...and as much as i like doing it...with what i've been doing this week, counting calories and really being aware of what i'm putting in my mouth, i dont like having the free days...because in all actuality, its just a BINGE day and i always feel like CRAP. My body is not where I want it, and I totally feel w/you in being more consistant w/my eating, yet if i have the spare calories to have a treat, then i can do that, but make sure i'm watching my portions w/it and not completely going ALL OUT in a single sitting. as i have kept track of my calories it has really helped w/not eating things because i didnt want to put the calories down..

sara said...


FREE DAYS=BAD NEWS for me too. :)