Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I have many pics to post. My life has been somewhat consumed lately. But I will be ready to commit to blogging my daily romance w/ food in 2 weeks time...

I had the BEST dinner- The Boca burger, on Nature's own bread (50 cal/slice) w/ a heap of iceburg lettuce, onion, tomato, pepper, 1 TBSP ketchup and some mustard. YUM.

All for a whopping 233 calories! Pretty nuts.
Especially considering one of my meals today was an apple, string cheese & 12 almonds equaling 205 calories... almost the same as a huge 'burger'.

Also had: 3 egg whites w/ onion & spinach & a banana (158 calories)

And: Go Lean Kashi cereal, milk, graham crackers & a fudgsicle (538 calories)

I also had some tea crackers, probably 80 cal. worth.

Treadmill for 30 min. at 4.0 incline, 4.3 speed

Extreme conditioning class. -45 min. It's been YEARS (6) since I've been. It was good.

Yesterday had a great arm workout and run on the treadmill.

For 30 min. repeat:
4 min. 7.0
1 min. 10.0

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