Monday, September 20, 2010

-New strength training routine (will post soon)

* The hubby has now had to have something sweet 2 days in a row and has indulged himself and the boys. I let myself feel sorry for myself for about 2 seconds and moved on. I was completely satisfied from dinner and just wanted to keep a good thing going and not mess it up with a bloated tummy and then regret. Besides, I know I have little to no self-control in these matters. :) Sometimes it's just better not to go 'there'.


Miss Niss said...

i wish i was as focused as you are right now!! esp w/the sweets...i know i'll get there, just not there yet...moving and stress and everything else going on right now is not helping me much i know that!!! your awesome!

sara said...

Good luck with the move Anissa!!