Friday, April 9, 2010

3 egg whites, onion, yellow pepper, broccoli, topped w/ salsa. (YUM) w/ 1 slice of Ezekial toast w/ almond butter, 1/2 orange.

Snack: banana, protein & water

Lunch: Almonds, banana, rest of orange from breakfast, lunch meat, crackers. (snack turned lunch)

Onion, asparagus, eggplant, swiss chard (2 C), protein powder & water, almonds. (I was too lazy/in a hurry to cook chicken or fish!)

Saute onions in a bit (1-2 tsp) of olive oil, add quartered eggplant & cut asparagus- add some water to steam. Add sweet & sour sauce: (Combine: 1-2T of tomato paste, 1-2tsp. chili paste, 1-2T agave, 2T red wine vinegar & some squirts of lemon juice) Let cook and add 3-4 leaves of swiss chard - Let wilt. YUMMY! -I will put up the "real" recipe for the sauce... this was just what I did from memory tonight.
This FULL plate was under 200 calories.

Ended up taking a brisk walk up Mars Hill - I won't lie, my butt and hamstrings are feeling it from yesterdays workout! Wanted to do arms today, but wasn't able to get to the gym. - I did do a ton of arm circles/pumps (who knows what they're called) while walking... :)

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