Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am back to COUNTING CALORIES. Plain and simple, it's just what WORKS! :) I have a few pounds to loose b/c I have been binging on sweets. :( Boo hoo me! (I am totally an emotional eater and had a rough week last week- and it caught up to me. Well, lets be honest. I went a little crazy over Easter and haven't quite recovered from that. I've "filled out" and am not liking it so much. If only it would all go to my chest! ;)

I am excited about my food again. Today the total was 1149...

3 egg whites, 1 C broccoli 2 slices of onion, chopped, 3/4C asparagus, 1/2 grapefruit

Calorie total: 151, 0g fat, 23 carb, 6g fiber, 13g sugar, 17g protein

Protein shake: 1 scoop of Gold Standard whey protein, water, 2C spinach, 1 banana, 1/2C fros. blueberries, 1/2C froz. strawberries
Calorie total: 289, 1g fat, 44 carb, 8g fiber, 24g sugar, 29g protein

4 strawberries, 2TBSP red pepper roasted hummus, 10 baby carrots, 2 sm. stalks celery

Think Thin Protein Bar (Brownie crunch) - I haven't typed in the exact amount for this bar (I just used the smooth PB one for now) BUT they have 20g protein & NO sugar. Pretty sweet. :)

Calorie total: 360, 11g fat, 46 carb, 9g fiber, 10g sugar, 24g protein (this is for lunch & bar)

2C spinach, 1 C chicken breast chunks, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 grapefruit, balsamic vinaigrette, s.f. fudgsicle.

Calorie total: 349, 10g fat, 28 carb, 6g fiber, 10g sugar, 28g protein

Spinning class (it was a doozy!) hardcore the WHOLE HOUR. (estim. 700 calories burned)
20 min. treadmill @4.3 & 4.0 incline (130cal. burned)


[dene'] said...

wow, you only consumed 300 calories net that day. Did you feel ok? Calorie counting is hard for me, BUT WORKS!

sara said...

Surprisingly YES. Today, same thing- I was around 1150. That's pretty low for me, but I am feeling less "fluffy". Hallelujah.
I know- it's a little time consuming- but right now I am digging it even though I don't have the time. :) Luckily pretty much everything is already entered so it goes pretty fast counting it all up.
Miss you.