Friday, September 17, 2010

I signed up for a 6 week class, MEGAFIT, to mix things up in my workout routine. Classes are 2x a week. The first class was good, but I was wanting a bit 'more'. The 2nd class (last night) was awesome and kicked my butt, so I am looking forward to the next 5 weeks. There's a lot of jumping/plyometrics, lunging/squatting, constantly moving & work w/ weights (lighter but fast paced, never ending reps) ...Whole body toning.
This morning I was guided through a workout by a gal who is helping me with my food choices. Holy crap. My body is whipped. I almost felt like I was on the biggest looser. :) I was happy when the workout was over but it felt really good too.
I am expecting good things over the next 5 weeks with the continuation of stellar food choices. I am trying to find the balance of a livable lifestyle and deprivation (or that feeling)... "but I WANT that cookie" :) So far (in the last 2 weeks) I've had a bowl of ice cream. And it was great. I was able to have it, leave it and move on. Not sure when the next time will be, but I almost think that is the beauty of it. If something comes up, or I am having a killer craving, take care of it and move one. I think when I tell myself I can have sweets once a week - I obsess the entire week about what *several* things I am going to have or what I am not having... and then it all just seems so messed up when I o.d. The last two weeks have been kinda freeing. Somehow I realized that I have the choice of what I'm going to fuel my body with, and that I don't want food to control me. (I think Trainer Momma said something like that) -b/c oh boy how it has! I want to be done with that.

I'm not the only one like this am I???


Trainer Momma said...

You control the food.

It does not control you.


I've determined there are a lot of things I don't control in my life (people, situations, some relationships, my kids oft times, etc.) but FOOD IS NOT ONE OF THEM. That is completely up to me.

And when it comes to workouts -- ditto that.

I always love it when you post. Your foods give me serious inspiration. Thanks for that!

sara said...


woot woot.

I'm a big fan.